Aurora Sinai Medical Center
Recent News About Aurora Sinai Medical Center
Five million people in the U.S. have this long-lasting stomach disease
Five million people in the U.S. have this long-lasting stomach disease
De-Stress at Your Desk: 15-Minute Desk Yoga 3 Week Series (Virtual Course) on September 16
De-Stress at Your Desk: 15-Minute Desk Yoga 3 Week Series (Virtual Course) on September 16
Queering the Fandom: Fanfic, Cosplay, and Community to be held Sep 9
The film Queering the Script takes us into the world of LGBTQ pop culture fandoms, from cosplay to fanfiction writing.
LSVT BIG & LOUD In-Person Skills Class (Sinai) to be held Sep 2
Issued the following announcement.LSVT BIG & LOUD In-Person Skills Class (Sinai)Date: 09/02/2021 ThursdayTime: 8:00am-8:45amPlace: Aurora Sinai Medical Center- Garden Room 1st FloorFee: $6Anyone that has attended the four-week Lee Silverman Voice Treatment (LSVT) "BIG and LOUD" clinic and is looking to freshen up their voice and exercise skills can attend this virtual exercise class.
Advance Care Planning Workshop - 2021 to be held Aug 31
We can't respect your choices for future medical care...unless we know what they are. Ask us about advance care planning.
Breastfeeding Your Baby 2021 Virtual Zoom Format to be held Aug 26
Zoom Classes: As of now, all prenatal education classes will be done in a zoom format.
Preparing for Labor & Birth, Virtual 3-week Series (Kenosha - 2021) to be held Aug 12
Preparing for Labor & Birth, Virtual 3-week Series (Kenosha - 2021)
2021 Independent Nursing Ventilator Certification to be held Aug 12
2021 Independent Nursing Ventilator Certification
Child Birthing - Aurora BayCare Medical Center - Green Bay to be held Aug 2
Classes will be held on Zoom and are viewable via computer, phone and/or tablet (the Zoom app will need to be downloaded on your phone/tablet).
Summer Awareness Through Movement Classes - The Feldenkrais Method to be held July 30
Summer Awareness Through Movement Classes - The Feldenkrais Method
AURORA SINAI MEDICAL CENTER: ABMC Student Athlete Sports Physicals to be held July 19
A full health screening by a physician, physician assistant or nurse practitioner