Milwaukee reinstated an indoor mask mandate Jan. 22. | Pixabay
Milwaukee reinstated an indoor mask mandate Jan. 22. | Pixabay
Like much of the country, COVID-19 numbers are falling off in the Milwaukee area, which could spell an early end to the indoor mask mandate.
The mayor reinstated the face covering rule Jan. 22, with plans for it to last until March 1, though the end date was to be determined by the caseload.
"I think you might see these mask mandates start to go away,” Dr. Jeff Pothof, who is with the University of Wisconsin health department, said in a report on WISN. “What you want to see for mask mandates to go away is a much lower percentage of cases per 100 thousand people."
Across much of the country, the number of new coronavirus cases peaked around mid-January.
Milwaukee County has been following national trends, with the number of cases dropping dramatically. The Milwaukee Common Council is the body that would vote on ending the mandate. The council met recently but there was no action on that matter.
Whether or not the mask mandate is lifted early, questions about enforcing it have existed since it was put back into effect. The Milwaukee Health Department told WISN that it lacks staff to make sure everyone complies with wearing face coverings.