Dr. Keith P. Posley Superintendent at Milwaukee Public Schools | Official website
Dr. Keith P. Posley Superintendent at Milwaukee Public Schools | Official website
As the new year begins, families connected to Milwaukee Public Schools (MPS) may have questions regarding various aspects of school life, including snow days, student medications, textbooks, athletics, behavior, and student and family rights. The answers to these queries can be found in the Parent/Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline. This handbook is a crucial resource for families to review with their students.
The handbook is available for download on the MPS website. It can be accessed online at any time in multiple languages: Arabic, Burmese, English, Farsi, Hmong, Karen, Pashto, Rohingya, Somali, and Spanish.
This book serves as an essential source of information for families to stay informed about behavior and discipline policies, attendance requirements, student records management, transportation details, winter weather procedures, and family support services. Further details about this handbook can be found at mpsmke.com/rights.
Families are encouraged to access the Parent/Student Handbook on Rights, Responsibilities and Discipline today.